Added 7/23 HK Book 1
Added 7/23 Silver Cloud (Top left pic 1 is Silver Cloud 201)
Added 7/23 Silver Cloud starting with 250
Added 7/23 HK 77
DBC Shirt Fabrics (Added 2/2023)
Huzure 209-01 thru 209-64 (Added 1/20)
XE Book 194-16 Black, 194-39 Navy, 194-17 Black, 203-33-203-69
207 Book
Alumo books
Book # 182-01 - 182-60 Book.
P & T fabric books New
New XE Book
SH 172 (1-83)/Fabric Code in bottom right corner
SH 160/codes on bottom right corner of fabric
Huzure book of 632/solid flat fabrics
SC GTM 008 Shiny Solid fabrics (not for hunt shirts).
Ribbon Colors for hunt shirts
If you are particular on the exact ribbon color, please include the ribbon code from above. These are the ONLY choices. We cannot offer customized ribbon colors unfortunately. The ST008 options are satin fabrics ONLY if using collar design H, K & J. They are NOT for collars B, C, D, E, G, H, I, L.